Grant winners

五月 26, 2011


NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation (NIHR SDO) programme

• Award winner: Trisha Greenhalgh

• Institution: University of London

• Value: £217,042

Development of methodological guidance, publication standards and training materials for realist and metanarrative reviews

• Award winner: Diana Rose

• Institution: King's College London

• Value: £299,954

How do managers and leaders in the NHS and social care respond to service-user involvement in mental-health services in both its traditional and emergent forms?

NIHR Public Health Research (PHR) programme

• Award winner: Ronan Lyons

• Institution: Swansea University

• Value: £525,361

Health impact and economic value of meeting housing quality standards


Arts bursaries/Arts initiatives

• Award winner: Tony Castro

• Institution: Trinity Laban

• Value: £91,500

Bursaries for musical theatre performance

• Award winner: Will Chamberlain

• Institution: Belfast Community Circus School

• Value: £66,575

Community circus arts training programme

• Award winner: Alison Hope

• Institution: National Children's Orchestra of Great Britain

• Value: £89,100

National Children's Orchestra Leverhulme bursaries


• Award winner: Robert Adlington

• Institution: University of Nottingham

• Value: £50,471

Notes of dissent: Avant-garde music in 1960s Amsterdam

• Award winner: Griselda Pollock

• Institution: University of Leeds

• Value: £55,667

After-affect/After-image: Trauma and aesthetic inscription/encryption in the Virtual Feminist Museum

• Award winner: Fiona Fisher

• Institution: Kingston University

• Value: £81,2

Modernism in the suburbs: A critical study of the architecture and design of Kenneth Wood Associates, 1955-84

• Award winner: Karin Friedrich

• Institution: University of Aberdeen

• Value: £53,745

"Bordercrossing": Transnational nobility, political and confessional loyalty in the Polish-German borderlands, c.1600-1720

• Award winner: Richard Bradley

• Institution: London School of Economics

• Value: £82,842

Decision theory with a human face

• Award winner: Sarah Hill

• Institution: Cardiff University

• Value: £73,431

A cultural history of popular music in San Francisco (1965-69)

• Award winner: Michael Haslam

• Institution: University of Oxford

• Value: £69,444

Stone technology in late Pleistocene India: A new perspective on the dispersal of Homo sapiens out of Africa


NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme

• Award winner: Steve Wayne Parry

• Institution: Newcastle University

• Value: £838,379

Cognitive behavioural therapy-based intervention to reduce fear of falling in older fallers attending a community falls service: Therapy development and randomised controlled trial

Falls cause fear and loss of confidence in many older people, as a result of which they become less active, more isolated and increasingly frail. To overcome this, we aim to develop a specifically targeted cognitive behavioural therapy intervention for older people with excessive fear of falling. We will teach staff in our community falls service to perform the therapy and see if it helps those with undue fear of falling. Success will be assessed in several ways. The first component will be the development of a comprehensive and acceptable CBT intervention. Fear of falling will be assessed by questionnaires. We will also examine the programme's impact on fall rates and injuries as well as assessing measures of strength and balance related to falls risks.



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