Aussies mug up on European law

九月 27, 1996

The University of New South Wales in Australia has established the first centre for the study of European law outside Europe and the United States.

The European Law Centre will provide an Asian-Pacific focus for research into a wide range of European legal issues and raise awareness of Australian-European legal issues.

Director Stephen Hall, a European Union law specialist, said he wanted to advance the study of European law and legal and political institutions in Australia and the Asian-Pacific region.

"This will include studies into the legal framework for economic, trade and political co-operation between Europe and the Australasian region," he said.

The centre will organise seminars to raise awareness of Australian-European legal issues, such as Australia's involvement in the Bosnian War Crimes Tribunal and the Australian-European Union framework treaty. "This is highly significant as it will be the first treaty of its type between the European Union and a country outside Europe," he said.

The centre also plans to establish the most comprehensive research collection in European law in the Asia-Pacific region, and to promote formal links and academic exchanges with similar centres in Europe and the US.



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