University of Edinburgh Gordon Murrary, former reader in medical statistics at the Medical School in Glasgow and founding director of the Robertson Centre for Biostatistics, professor of medical statistics; Allan Price, consultant in clinical oncology at Addenbrooke's and the Papworth Hospital NHS Trust, Cambridge, chair of radiation oncology; Richard Thomson, reader in the history of art at the University of Manchester, Watson Gordon chair of fine art.
Honorary professor: John Brown, astronomer-royal for Scotland.
Visiting professors: Linda Degh, professor of folklore at the Folklore Institute of Indiana, University of Bloomington; Bjarne Stoklund, former professor of European ethnology at the University of Copenhagen.
University of Oxford Richard Eyre, film and television director, artistic director of the Royal National Theatre, has been appointed visiting theatre professor.
University of Central England The title of professor has been awarded to: Kester Isaac-Henry, director of the institute of public policy and management (faculty of law and social sciences); Ron Vanelli, head of the school of sociology (faculty of law and social sciences); Brian Anderton, associate dean for academic planning and development (business school); Phil Clark, associate dean for resources and systems (business school); Clare Benson, director of the school of maths, science and technology in the faculty of education; Keith Osman, faculty of engineering and computer technology.
Visiting professorships: Brian Watkins, freelance writer, broadcaster and arts education consultant, has been appointed visiting professor of drama. Ian Cleland, chief inspector at Dudley local education authority, has been appointed visiting professor in education.
University of Cambridge Duncan Maskell, formerly at Imperial College, London, has been appointed to the Marks & Spencer professorship of farm animal health, food science and food safety at the university's veterinary school; Rajeesh Munglani, lecturer in anaesthesia, has been elected John Farman professor at the Royal College of Anaesthetists.