Good timing

二月 9, 2012

With reference to your article "Scottish head pay control would avoid 'fat cat' slur" (2 February), it might be worth noting the felicitous coincidence of the publication of the review of Scottish university governance - which, among other things, recommends abolishing bonus payments for principals - on the same day as ex-banker Fred Goodwin was stripped of his knighthood and shortly after Royal Bank of Scotland chief Stephen Hester declined his bonus.

This is more than just a public relations exercise, of course: Scottish universities have the opportunity, provided that the recommendations are implemented, to take the lead on matters that are at the core of public debate. This is an example that English universities cannot afford to ignore because, should they do so, it would be at their peril.

Anna Notaro, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, University of Dundee



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