World University Rankings
Rising to pandemic challenges won institutions a significant boost in profile. It remains to be seen if they can consolidate their gains, writes Ellie Bothwell
We answer your questions about the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings
Reputation-building is more important than ever, but higher education is uniquely placed to meet future challenges, says Mark Scott
University leadership is in crisis, with some institutions facing significant reputational damage, but higher education can become a model of compassion, says Michael West
Two years ago, India published a draft of its most ambitious higher education reforms in decades. Then the pandemic hit. Experts reflect on the future of the NEP, which was approved last year, and what the country’s university sector might look like in a decade
Transformational nationwide changes are reflected in a dynamic landscape
Russia overtakes Taiwan to possess the joint second highest number of institutions in the top 200, after China
Tackling global problems requires visionary leadership and fast, proactive and flexible decision-making, says Getachew Engida
US and UK lose dominance in law, while social sciences, business and economics and education results also released
Emerging economies are still maturing, as are their institutions. The Emerging Economies University Rankings recognises this, and we recalibrate performance indicators in our World University Rankings to assess them fairly
We are looking for people who are passionately committed to higher education and can be ‘critical friends’ to the rankings
Australian universities make strong progress in both subjects, while Californian institutions are on the rise in computer science
We have appointed 10 board members to suggest how we can improve the rankings and ensure that we act responsibly, says Duncan Ross
The pandemic is still demanding accurate and rapid communication at every twist and turn. Johanna Lowe lists four lessons learned from 18 months of unrelenting pressure
THE survey finds strong support for Covid-19 vaccine passports among international students, who are keen to study in-person
Harvard leads student-focused ranking for fifth consecutive year
UK reinforces its lead in clinical table and tops psychology for first time, while US dominates physical sciences and is on the up in life sciences
Ranking of US universities and colleges puts student success and learning at its heart
Update includes more references on support for immigrants and refugees, while institutions with dedicated courses on sustainability or the SDGs will be rewarded
THE data reveal the areas where China’s top universities are ahead of their global peers and where they have the most ground to make up
University presidents say the crisis has made clear the essential aspects of higher education and the best way to deliver them, but concerns over the future remain, reports Ellie Bothwell
High-rising regions have reason to be heartened, but even in areas facing grave threats leaders keep their spirits up and carry on, says Ellie Bothwell
Universities that published high-impact research on Covid-19 have soared up the league table, with China reaping the most rewards
Universities in Africa and the Middle East have made the most progress since 2018
Middle Eastern nations have improved more quickly than mainland China over past four years, while Malaysia and Pakistan also on rise
Universities in low-income regions worry that the Covid crisis could stymie their life-saving research and life-changing teaching. Ellie Bothwell writes
While Antipodean institutions have fended off competition from Asia, the full impacts of Covid are yet to flow through
For the first time, universities that submitted data but did not meet the eligibility criteria for our global table are listed. David Watkins explains why
We should build education and research on an embrace of others and a regard for diversity that does not stop at the campus gate, says Teruo Fujii
With academic conferences on hold, novel ways of collaborating have taken off – from preprints and digital networks to AI-backed matchmaking, writes Jack Grove
EU-wide law could curb the influence of big tech while enabling the free flow of knowledge throughout the bloc, says Karen Maex
Academic hiring and promotion are still overwhelmingly based on the quantity and quality of research, says Oriol Amat
Universities are looking to take more vaccine creation processes in-house, as Oxford head warns that coronavirus jabs have created ‘perverse’ profit incentives, reports David Matthews
Revamping delivery modes and partnerships will give Australia a more resilient, student-centred sector with regional appeal, says Deborah Terry
From the information that we are provided by institutions across the globe, we rigorously build up our World University Rankings. This is how we assess data on more than 1,600 institutions to produce the tables
Affordable quality education and job opportunities are encouraging more Asian students to travel closer to home, reports Joyce Lau
Universities recognise the need for flexible and continuing education but are still seeking the most appropriate strategy. Anna McKie reports
After two decades leading US institutions, Morton Schapiro reflects on the changing landscape and offers a word of advice to young leaders as he prepares to step down
Saudi Arabia dominates top of new regional table, while Egypt is most-represented nation overall
Everything you need to know about Times Higher Education’s global portfolio of university rankings
To reflect the region’s unique characteristics, we make adjustments to the rigorous and robust criteria that underpin our World University Rankings to arrive at the inaugural Arab University Rankings
Institutions across 15 countries take part in first bespoke ranking for region
Our Academic Reputation Survey forms the foundation for these rankings, meaning that they are built on the insights of a representative sample of global experts
Institutions are lagging behind global peers on prestige and funding levels
Growing participation in the rankings attests to universities’ determination to raise quality and better serve their communities, says Ellie Bothwell
Pandemic-related budget constraints and anti-science governments are taking their toll on researchers in their region. Ellie Bothwell reports
Latin American universities are rising, but more slowly than others
Our innovative, empathic and cooperative approach to the pandemic needs to be used to address more deep-seated problems such as poverty and inequality, says Chantal Jouannet Valderrama
Transitioning to remote and hybrid modes has made the university experience about more than the transmission of knowledge, says Sergio Pulgarín Molina
Australian institutions stand out when it comes to regularly reviewing guidelines relating to sustainable development, THE data suggest
The World University Rankings performance indicators are the heart of the Latin America University Rankings, but we give them some adjustments to take account of the area’s unique characteristics
THE data suggests that climate action is seen as a higher priority among prospective international students than universities
Universities can now register to participate in the next edition of our sustainability-focused league table
The methodology behind the inaugural Arab University Rankings includes new regional measures on reputation and collaboration
Young universities tout their agility while older ones trumpet their resources. The pandemic has tested both types, and that could herald a turning point
Asian universities further boost their performance in list of world’s best universities founded during the past half-century
Data from THE World University Rankings show where young universities are making rapid improvements
The pandemic has hit older populations harder than the young. Might the same be true of universities? Ellie Bothwell considers if the flexibility and agility of younger institutions made them more resilient than their longer established peers
As Maastricht University celebrates its 45th anniversary, it is tapping into its founding spirit in a bid to stay forever young, says its president, Martin Paul
Baby-boomer institutions were pioneers in architecture and curricula, but financially prudent – a potentially winning combination for the post-pandemic era, says Miles Taylor