Smile, blow out candle and, hey presto, a bilabial fricative Phonological Theory - The Sounds of Language 24 November
Sounds like a good start to dialects The Dialects of English - English Phonetics and Phonology 24 November
How to cram the heavens into just a few lines, give axe the ax and make very uncivilised use of the canoe Lexicography and the OED 27 October
The true character of writing Alpha Beta - Chinese - Unlocking the Secrets of Ancient Writing 1 September
A new take on old questions Modern Genre Theory - Modern Criticism and Theory - Literary Theories - Postmodern Literary Theory - Theory from Plato to Barthes - Beginning Postmodernism 26 May
Manna from the English heaven The Cambridge History of the English Language, Volume 4 1776-1997 28 April
Talking to students through the fog Linguistics - An Introduction to Linguistics. First Edition 26 November
Dutch treat: the book to break the ice at bilingual parties A Reference Grammar of Dutch. First eEdition 26 November
Fighting the many enemies Oxford English Dictionery Additions Series Volume Three - Language is Power 5 September