Breaking news

Les Ebdon has been formally appointed as the new director of fair access, with business secretary Vince Cable telling the parliamentary committee that rejected him there were no “new, relevant facts” preventing his selection.

20 February

Les Ebdon will be appointed as the next director of the Office for Fair Access after it emerged that the prime minister has no powers to block the decision of Vince Cable, the business secretary, to appoint him.

14 February

Scientists should agree not to publish experiments into increasing the virulence of potentially dangerous microbes such as the bird flu virus until wider society can agree on “the balance that must be struck between academic freedom and protecting the greater good of humankind from potential danger”.

31 January

After a feverish build up in which commentators forecast the “digital destruction” of the multi-billion dollar textbook industry, Apple has unveiled a “new textbook experience” and free online courses for students - as long as they own Apple products.

19 January