Wave of money is ‘truly unprecedented’, says Italian rectors’ head, but some worry the money is too focused on technology transfer and that national plans overlap
Governments have focused on building up a lavishly funded research elite, but the forced switch online has made them realise losers in this system cannot cope
After criticism that it failed to declare Peter Daszak’s work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, journal has also ‘recused’ zoologist from its coronavirus origins taskforce
Koç University dismissed media scholar Amir Hetsroni for ‘inappropriate behaviour’, but he suspects a link to his private criticism of Turkey’s government
Australian review finds that the switch from clinical practice into the ‘sausage factory’ of academia can elevate stress levels – even among the most stressed
Former UK foreign policy adviser fears countries could lose ‘monopoly’ over accreditation for failing to inject critical thinking, curiosity, emotional intelligence and empathy into higher education
Michael Higgins warns campuses ‘have suffered attrition of range and depth, loss of interdisciplinary exchange, leading in too many cases to a degradation of the very scholarship and teaching for which they were established’
Misplaced fear of racial and sexual threats, plus the need to provide a ‘feeling’ of security, cited as reasons universities are reluctant to limit armed officers
After yet another minister falls to a plagiarism scandal, observers lament that a long German tradition of doctorates has descended into academic ‘credentialism’