Research Opportunities - Psychology

March 31, 2000

The following listing is for research degrees and jobs in Psychology #221> . Where possible a central contact person or office contact point has been given. Where there are several contact people they have been listed with the courses for which they have responsibility. If an institution does not appear in this list you should not assume that they do not offer post-graduate research degrees.

Key #221> Name of institution #221> For the sake of brevity the short version of an institution's name has been used. Validation #221> If an institution's courses are validated by another college its name is given in brackets. Contact names #221> A contact is given for each opportunity listed. Where there is a central contact for all an institution's opportunities in a particular area, the contact will be given once only. Qualification level #221> MSc, PhD etc. The figure in brackets indicates the number of places available where known. Mode of study #221> FT = Full Time PT = Part Time Funding #221> A = Assistantships available to students to undertake paid work while studying for a higher degree £ = Scholarship/ studentships available ? = Funding is a possibility.

Students should contact the department listed. Do not address enquiries to The THES. We are unable to help


Aberdeen U. Psychology Sergio Della Sala Tel: 01224 2245; URL: uk £? A?


Abertay U. Social and Health Sciences: Division of Psychology Dr L ElderTel: 01382 308700 Email:

Aston U. Psychology Institute Mrs D A Doyle Tel: 0121 359 3611 ext 47Email:


Wales: Bangor Psychology Prof C F Lowe Tel: 01248 382210; URL: £ A

Bath U. Social Sciences: Psychology Group Ms E Irvine Tel: 01225 323203;URL: £? A?

Queen's U. of Belfast Psychology Dr R Cowie Tel: 01232 5446; URL: £ A?

Birmingham U. Psychology Dr K Lamberts Tel: 0121 414 4910/6375; Dr K Browne Tel: 0121 414 4910

Bolton I.H.E. Arts, Science and Education: Psychology Dr Rob Ranyard Tel:01204 528851; URL: £? A?

Bristol U. Psychology Prof Gathercole Tel: 0117 928 8449 Email:sue. £ A

Bristol: UWE Applied Sciences: Psychology Dr Mary Haslum Tel: 0117 965 6261ext 4311 Email: £? A?

Brunel U. Human Sciences Veronica Johnson Tel: 01895 4000 ext 3422; URL:


Buckingham U. Psychology Mr Eddie Shoesmith Tel: 01280 814080; URL: £?

Cambridge U. Experimental Psychology Dr J D Mollon Tel: 01223 333550; URL: Social and Political Sciences Dr JWhitman Tel: 01223 331540 Email:

Canterbury Christ Church College (Kent U.) Applied Social Sciences KendraPerrott Tel: 012 7801 Email:

Wales: Cardiff Psychology Prof John M Pearce Tel: 01222 874483; URL: £ A?

Central Lancashire U. Psychology Prof John Archer Tel: 01772 893430; URL: £?

Cheltenham and Gloucester C.H.E. (Bristol U.) Community and Social StudiesDr K Ross Tel: 01242 543408 Email: £?

Chester U.C. (Liverpool U.) Psychology Dr Louise Higgins Tel: 01244 375444Fax: 01244 373379

City U. Psychology Prof J Hampton Tel: 0171 477 8520 ext 4533; URL:

Coventry U. Health and Social Sciences Dr D Pennington Tel: 01203 838357Email:

Cranfield: Cranfield Human Factors Group Ann Soden Tel: 01234 01234 750111ext 5229; URL:

De Montfort U. Human Communication David Rowley Tel: 0116 257 7766 Fax: 0116257 7708

Derby U. Health and Community Studies: Cognitive Science Ms Dawn Forman Tel:01332 622222 ext 2169 Email:

Dundee U. Psychology Dr M Bennett Tel: 01382 344631; URL:

Durham U. Psychology Dr C A Heywood Tel: 0191 374 2624; URL: uk/~dps0ww2/cvvc/homepage.html

East London U. Cognitive Neuropsychology Research Unit Dr A Burton Tel: 0181590 7000 ext 4470/4700 Email: £? A? Psychology ProfBrian Clifford Tel: 0181 590 7000 ext 4422/4700 Email: £?A?

Edge Hill U.C. (Lancaster U.) Psychology Dr Michele Crossley Tel: 01695584713 Email:

Edinburgh U. Psychology Dr B Lee Tel: 0131 650 3342; URL: £? A?

Essex U. Psychology Postgraduate Secretary Tel: 01206 873822; URL: £

Exeter U. Psychology Dr Don Mitchell Tel: 01392 264601; URL: £ A?

Glasgow U. Psychology Social Sciences Graduate School Tel: 0141 330 4725;URL: http://medusa.psy. £

Glasgow Caledonian U. Psychology Dr A Tuohy Tel: 0141 331 3485 A

Greenwich U. Social Sciences: Psychology Prof Ros Corney Tel: 0181 331 8926Email: £? A?

Hertfordshire University. Psychology D Messer Tel: 01707 284622 Psychology Fiona Jones Tel: 01707 284641; URL:

Huddersfield U. Behavioural Sciences Dr D Cliff Tel: 01484 422288 ext 24;URL: £? A?

Hull U. Psychology Postgraduate Secretary Tel: 01482 465388; URL:

Keele U. Psychology Dr Precilla Choi Tel: 01782 583384

Kent U. Centre for the Study of Psychotherapy Dr Alan Cartwright Tel: 0164000; URL: Psychology Prof D Rutter Tel: 012 8573;URL: £ Tizard Centre: Learning Disability and MentalHealth Dr C Walters Tel: 012 764000; URL:

King Alfred's Winchester (Southampton U.) Business and Applied Sciences ProfMike Llewellyn Tel: 01962 8352 Email:

Lancaster U. Psychology Susan Condor Tel: 01524 593830; URL: £ A Psychology PostgraduateSecretary Tel: 01524 594975; URL: htm £A

Leeds U. Psychology Dr N J Ward Tel: 0113 233 5724; URL: £? A

Leicester U. Psychology Prof M Joseph Tel: 0116 252 2184; URL: uk/psychology/ £? A?

Lincolnshire & Humberside: Lincoln Psychology Dr Jon Slack Tel: 01522882000; URL:

Liverpool U. Clinical Psychology Prof R P Bentall Tel: 0151 794 5529 Fax:0151 794 5537 A? Psychology Prof D Canter Tel: 0151 794 3910; URL: £? A?

Liverpool Hope U.C. (Liverpool U.) Psychology Dr Derek Bell Tel: 0151 2913445/7 Email: £?

Liverpool John Moores U. Human Sciences Dr Andrew Guppy Tel: 0151 2314035/4005; URL: £? A?

London: Birkbeck College Organisational Psychology Dr R Briner Tel: 0171 6316755; URL: Psychology Dr P Barber Tel:0171 631 6202; URL: http://www.psyc.bbk.

London: Goldsmiths College Psychology Dr Christopher French Tel: 0171 9197882 Email:

London: King's College Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Catherine BuckleyTel: 0171 703 5411 ext 3488 Psychology Dr T O'Connor Tel: 0171 919 3225 £ A? Forensic Psychiatry Maureen Bartholomew Tel:0171 919 3123 Psychological Medicine Jenny Marchant Tel: 0171 919 3129 £? A?

London: London School of Economics Social Psychology Graduate AdmissionsOffice Tel: 0171 955 7106/7160; URL: uk/graduate/

London: Royal Holloway College Psychology Dr C M Loewenthal Tel: 01784443601 Email:


London: St George's Hospital Medical School Psychology Prof Robert West Tel:0181 725 5596 Email:

London: University College Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences Admissionsand General Enquiries Office Tel: 0171 380 7365; URL: £Psychology Dr D Shanks Tel: 0171 387 7050 ext 5310; URL: £Epidemiology and Public Health Admission Enquiries Tel: 0171 380 7365; URL: £ Human Communication Science Mrs S Alleemudder Tel:0171 837 0113 ext 3520; URL: /HCS/ £

London Guildhall U. Psychology Prof S Millar Tel: 0171 320 1066; URL:

Loughborough U. Human Sciences Dr H Gross Tel: 01509 2237; URL: £? A? Social Sciences Prof A Billig Tel:01509 223367; URL: uk/departments/ss £?

Luton U. Health Psychology Tony Ward Tel: 01582 734111 ext 2305 £?

Manchester U. Psychology Dr Don O'Boyle Tel: 0161 5 2580; URL: Informatics Prof Simon French Tel: 0161 5 2690; URL:

Manchester Metropolitan U. Humanities and Applied Social Studies Dr D BatesTel: 0161 247 5402 Email: Psychology and Speech Pathology DrS Lewis Tel: 0161 247 2556 Email: MA by Research Dr DennisBates Tel: 0161 247 5402 Email: uk

Middlesex U. Social Science Dr Mark Coulson Tel: 0181 362 6290; URL:

Napier U. Psychology and Sociology Dr M Brennan Tel: 0131 455 3538; URL:

Newcastle U. Psychology Dr M J Tovee Tel: 0191 222 8616; URL: Speech Dr Li Wei Tel: 0191 222 7388; URL:http://www.ncl. £? A?

Northumbria U. Psychology Dr P Briggs Tel: 0191 2 34; URL: £? A? Special Needs Research Unit Prof J Sandhu Tel:0191 2 4212; URL: http://www. £? A?

Nottingham U. Psychology Jean Tuck Tel: 0115 951 5305; URL: £ A?

Open U. Knowledge Media Institute Course Reservations Centre Tel: 01908653231; URL: http://www. £?Psychology Course Reservations Centre Tel: 01908 653231; URL: uk/OU/ResearchDegrees/Prospectus.html £?

Oxford Brookes U. Social Sciences and Law Dr T C Jordan Tel: 01865 483770;URL: http://www.

Plymouth U. Psychology Dr Ken Coventry Tel: 01752 233157 £ A?

Portsmouth U. Psychology Dr Darren Van Laar Tel: 01705 846306; URL: £? A?

Queen Margaret C. (Open U.) Management and Social Sciences Dr Jane TurnbullTel: 0131 317 3602; URL: http://www. £? A?

Reading U. Psychology Dr J A Ellis Tel: 0118 987 5123 ext 7557; URL: French Studies: The Body and Representation Prof NaomiSegal Tel: 0118 931 8128; URL: http://www.

Roehampton Institute (An Institute of the University of Surrey) Psychologyand Counselling Karen De Netto Tel: 0181 392 3256; URL: £? A?

Sheffield U. Psychology Miss Liz Compton Tel: 0114 222 6543; URL: £? A? Institute of WorkPsychology (Psychology) Mrs D Thompson Tel: 0114 222 3237; URL: Psychology Mrs CaroleGillespie Tel: 0114 222 6610 Email:

Sheffield Hallam U. Health and Community Studies Dr A Macaskill Tel: 0114225 2497; URL: http://www. uk/courses/schools/hcsinfo.htm £? A?

South Bank U. Health and Social Care Dr J Littlewood Tel: 0171 815 6152/8000Email:

Southampton U. Psychology Lisa Turner Tel: 01703 592612; URL: £ A Psychology Sandra Horn/DianneSanchez-Bisson Tel: 01703 593578; URL: http://www. £?A?

Southampton Institute (Nottingham Trent U.) Public Policy Research CentrePeter Wybrow Tel: 01703 319000 Email:

St Andrews U. Psychology Mrs L Ferrier Tel: 01334 462072; Prof MarieJohnston Tel: 01334 462060; URL:

Staffordshire U. Sciences: Psychology Prof David White Tel: 01782 294648Email: £? A?

Stirling U. Psychology Prof Vicki Bruce Tel: 01786 467640; URL: £? A?

Strathclyde U. Psychology Dr C Howe Tel: 0141 552 4400 ext 2575 £?

Sunderland U. Health Sciences Dr J Sneddon Tel: 0191 515 2504

Surrey U. Psychology Mrs C Mills Tel: 01483 300800 ext 2873; URL: £ A? Human Psychopharmacology Research Unit (HPRU)Prof I Hindmarsh Tel: 01483 418208; URL: http://www. A? RobensInstitute Mrs C Barlow Tel: 01483 259213; URL: http://www.

Sussex U. Experimental Psychology Research Programme Prof Alan Parkin Tel:013 678334; URL: http://www. Research Programme Dr D Griffin Tel: 013 678844; URL: Social Psychology Research Programme PostgraduateAdmissions Tel: 013 678412; URL: http://www.

Wales: Swansea Psychology Director of Postgraduate Studies Tel: 01792 295280Fax: 01792 295679 £?

Teesside U. Social Sciences Dr D Woodhouse Tel: 01642 342336 £? A?

Thames Valley U. European and International Studies Dr Martin Roiser Tel:0181 231 2264 Email:

Trinity and All Saints College (Leeds U.) Social Sciences: Psychology Dr CDoyle Tel: 0113 283 7100; URL: http://www. £

Ulster U. Behavioural and Communication Sciences Prof J C Leslie Tel: 01232366943/366407; URL: http://www. £? A?

Warwick U. Psychology Dr Glyn Collis Tel: 01203 523182; URL:

Westminster U. Psychology Prof Phil Evans Tel: 0171 911 5000 ext 2112; URL: £? A?

Wolverhampton U. Health Sciences: Psychology Division Prof K Manktelow Tel:01902 322294 Email: £? A?

Worcester U. College (Coventry U.) Sciences: Psychology Dr Patricia PriceTel: 01905 855390 Email: £? A?

York U. Psychology Prof A Ellis Tel: 01904 433140 Email: £

About this service #221>

The THES Research Opportunities Service aims to list the current availability of opportunities for postgraduate research training.

The listings include details of new research posts. Although courses from more than 140 institutions are represented here it is not an exhaustive listing.

Some institutions have not wished to list their courses in this way; so you should not assume that institutions not featuring in these lists have no courses to offer. This listing should give a good flavour of the wide variety of research training on offer at higher education institutions in the United kingdom.

Potential students should not make decisions on the basis of this listing alone. Potential candidates should contact the institutions of their choice directly if they wish to discuss their future plans. They should not contact The THES or the compilers of this listing.

Quality of degrees #221>

All UK universities in membership of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals have power to award British degrees after either courses of study or programmes of research, and some colleges of higher education have one or both of these powers.

Other colleges provide courses or programmes which are validated by an institution which has those powers. Courses of this kind are listed under the name of the college which runs them; the name of the validating institution, which finally awards the degree, is in brackets.

The compilers #221>

This list has been compiled by the Higher Education Careers Services Unit (CSU) on the basis of returns from institutions. CSU is an agency of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals, the Standing Conference of Principals of Colleges and Institutes of higher education and the Committee of Scottish Centrally Funded Colleges.

This information has been provided for information purposes only. It is not definitive and does not take precedence over the official publications of universities and colleges.

While every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate and that those institutions which wanted to take part have been included, CSU an accept no responsibility for errors or omissions.


Any queries about this list should be addressed to the data collectors, Mayflower Directories Production, Ro Dew, West Looe Hill, Looe, Cornwall PL13 2HH. Tel: 01503 264454. Fax: 01503 264821. Email: All rights reserved. No part of this listing may be stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publishers.

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