IPSC: PECO Workshop "Cybersecurity and Incident Response"

February 9, 2004

Brussels, 06 Feb 2004

Ispra (I): 14 representatives from 8 Accession Countries (Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, and Malta) attended a workshop at Ispra from 15-16 January arranged by the cyber-security sector of IPSC, and co-sponsored by DG JAI and Interpol. The objective of the workshop was to present a strategic view of how to prepare for and respond to incidents of cyber-crime and cyber-abuse, including hacking attacks, website defacement, internal fraud, and other misconduct.

The principal aspects covered were those of "forensic readiness", ensuring that procedures and systems are in place in advance of any incident, and "forensic investigation", how to follow up an incident while ensuring that all relevant laws are followed and electronic evidence is handled consistently and "cleanly" by the variety of people who may be involved.

The presentations were divided about equally between those from the sponsoring organisations, principally the JRC, and those from outside experts, covering aspects ranging from how to set up a Computer Emergency Response Team, along with practical experience from such a Team, to the legal and practical challenges of handling electronic data, and the forensic tools and methods used by EU police forces.

Contact: anne-marie.morrissey@jrc.it

Url: http://ipsc.jrc.cec.eu.int/

Joint Research Centre
Item source: http://www.jrc.cec.eu.int/page.asp@sidsz =more_information&sidstsz=whats_new.htm

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