The Faculty of Mining and Geology investigates water desalination within the international project, REWAISE

The Faculty of Mining and Geology at VSB-Technical University of Ostrava   is participating in a five-year EU project financed by the prestigious EU Programme, HORIZON 2020. The REWAISE (REsilient WAter Innovation for Smart Economy) project connects leading European research and water management institutions, both from the industrial sector and academia. There are 24 entities from 11 European countries involved in the project.

This Data Scientist’s Open-Source Tools Are Accelerating and Democratizing Data Preparation

Data preparation is widely regarded as the most time-consuming part of data science and can take up to 80% of a data scientist’s time. SFU computing science professor Jiannan Wang’s mission is to speed up data science by greatly reducing the time spent on data preparation. To do this, he develops innovative technologies and open-source tools for data scientists to use.