Five actions for data-led transformation in Higher Education

There’s little argument that data analytics can help higher education institutions to support their students and function more effectively. 

Used correctly, it’s possible to use data to monitor and boost engagement, identify students who are struggling with their studies and their mental health, and even manage buildings and faculty resources more effectively. 

Did COVID-19 reveal a student engagement data gap?

Title: Did COVID-19 reveal a student engagement data gap? 

In a recent Pearson survey, 71% of university educators and senior support staff said that student engagement data is important, or very important, to their teaching and learning decisions (Student Data Survey, August 2021.)

Certainly, data analytics are becoming more prevalent in higher education; helping universities to make informed decisions on where to invest time and resources, and identify students who are struggling, or more at risk of struggling and dropping out. 

Cybersecurity UK 2022

Securing the future of UK higher education

UK higher education institutions are facing unprecedented cybersecurity challenges, with cyber resilience no longer just an IT problem. This half-day virtual event will outline the latest technologies and innovations in attack and defence, and provide trusted insights and actionable strategies to protect your organisation from cyber-attack.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022 - 9:00am to 1:45pm


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