University Impact Forum: Health & Well-being Asia 2022

Unlocking equitable healthcare

This online forum will examine universal healthcare and vaccine equity to reach the UN SDG3 targets for good health and well-being, and will provide insight into the metrics behind the THE Impact Rankings 2021, with a focus on SDG3. Join us to discuss innovations in healthcare, global collaborations for improving quality healthcare, and practical approaches to universal health coverage.

Thursday, January 20, 2022 - 9:00am to 5:00pm
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

The 12° Mask, Lingnan’s design for hearing-impaired people

The 12° Mask, Lingnan’s design for hearing-impaired people, has won a prestigious international design award, and mass production is underway

The COVID-19 pandemic, which requires everyone to wear a face mask in public in Hong Kong and many other countries, presents an additional inconvenience to those with a hearing impairment as they cannot read lips or facial expressions behind a mask.