SG got talent – GovTech’s cybersecurity specialist is 6th in global Facebook challenge

Now, say what you will about TikTok gaining popularity amongst teenagers but the fact remains: a large portion of Singaporean youth are still using Facebook. Notice I used the word ‘youth’, which according to the National Youth Council, are people aged 15–35.

Yes, 35; you did not read it wrongly.

With such a large portion of society still on Facebook, it is really important for the platform to remain secure and proactively search for any hidden vulnerabilities.

The Purple Parade - featuring Zui Young

Zui Young was born with high astigmatism in his right eye and is only able to see with the right eye. But he never once lost sight of his passion for all things digital.

This GovTechie’s interest in computers started during his primary school days when he was introduced to coding with the HTML language and Microsoft FrontPage. That led him to learn programming in secondary school, then to a Diploma in Business Information Technology at Singapore Polytechnic, and Bachelors and Masters in Information Systems at Singapore Management University.

How one GovTech employee worked in two places in 2020

You might not have heard about it, but GovTech has this thing called the (Digital Technology Attachment Programme, or DTAP for short, that allows staff to get seconded to industry partners – while remaining as GovTech staff, of course.

We spoke to our very own Stephanie Yeo, a senior delivery manager at GovTech who through the DTAP programme, spent some time at VMware Pivotal Labs, an American multinational software company as a Product Manager (PM).

How tech has connected and uplifted Singapore in a difficult year

No sugar coating it, the past year or so has been tough on everyone as Singapore continues its fight against Covid-19. Front line workers have worked extra hard to keep the virus at bay. Businesses have felt the strain on their bottom lines. And social and family ties have been tested by heightened alert and safe distancing measures.

This year’s National Day Parade has even been postponed to Aug 21, with a simpler observance ceremony on National Day itself.

‘Tech sector booming – why you work for gahmen?’ and other questions you always wanted to ask a Smart Nation scholar

When it comes to jobs, it’s a great time to be in tech. As a tech hub, Singapore houses the regional headquarters of tech giants from the US (such as Google, Facebook) and China (like TenCent and ByteDance), while Southeast Asian unicorns (Grab and Gojek, to name just two) maintain large offices here as well.