Research in Poland – new tools for incoming scientists

Process of the internationalization is the story that never ends. With the new website, NAWA, Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, writes its next chapter by bringing new quality in promotion of Polish science and strives to facilitate inflow of foreign researchers and PhD candidates to Poland.

The golden triangle

What is Going on with Middle Eastern Solar Prices and What Does It Mean for the Rest of Us?

For the third time in a decade, solar energy prices are tumbling in the Arabian Gulf. As demand for solar installations picks up dramatically, so falls the cost of solar energy, particularly in the Middle East.

By Jade Sterling

When it comes to the cost of energy from new power plants, onshore wind and utility-scale solar are now the cheapest sources, costing less than gas, geothermal, coal or nuclear. Ten years ago, solar was the most expensive option for building a new power plant.

Khalifa University

Khalifa University is creating a culture of R&D excellence in the UAE, developing new scientific insights and technologies, and building the human capital required to solve the world’s greatest

Understanding Humans’ Tendency to Make ‘Random’ Choices Could Help Program Machines That Are Better at Mimicking Human Decision Making

Are you more adventurous or predictable in your decision making? 

By Jade Sterling 

The explore-exploit dilemma exists in all areas of life. When you open a streaming service to choose a film to watch, you might start exploring different shows to find an enjoyable one to watch, or you might exploit one you’ve already seen and know you’ll enjoy again. Another example is choosing to go to a favorite restaurant over trying a new one that could be better—or worse.

Through Rose-tinted Contact Lenses: Gold Nanocomposites Help the Color-Blind See the World Differently

Using red-tinted glasses can make colors more prominent, but achieving this correction in a comfortable manner is more challenging. 

By Jade Sterling

A collaborative team of researchers from Khalifa University and Imperial College London has developed a new contact lens that could help people with color blindness. Rather than the conventional approach, using dyes to tint lenses, the research team uses gold nanoparticles to filter red and green light, creating a safer way to see colors.

Investigating the Sociodemographic Factors in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Covid-19 Cases

By Jade Sterling

Knowing what makes a patient more or less likely to be a silent carrier could help protect the population and prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Emerging in Wuhan in December 2019, Covid-19 rapidly spread across the globe through sustained human-to-human transmission. Affecting over 77 million people and causing over 1.7 million deaths, the Covid-19 pandemic proved difficult to control, in large part due to asymptomatic cases and the ease of its transmission.

Imaging Organic Matter in 12,000 Year Old Fossils for the First Time

By Jade Sterling

A team of researchers have discovered a new way to see organic matter inside of fossilized ‘diatoms’ –  a type of microalgae – using powerful microscopy imaging techniques, which could help scientists better understand the conditions and climate of the Earth thousands of years ago.

Diatoms are one of the most prolific microscopic sea organisms that serve as food for many animals. Beyond that though, diatoms – which include around 16,000 species – can be preserved in the sediment record, offering clues into what life was like on Earth in the past.