Occurrence of Candida albicans and Candida non-albicans in critical care unit patients and their antifungal susceptibility pattern in a tertiary care hospital, Mysore, Karnataka

Occurrence of Candida albicans and Candida non-albicans in critical care unit patients and their antifungal susceptibility pattern in a tertiary care hospital, Mysore, Karnataka

Swathi K, Sumana MN, Keerthi SK


Molecular Diagnostic Lab For Infectious Disease

Role of Molecular diagnostic laboratories is very crucial during the outbreak of infectious diseases. Rapid and accurate identification of the causative agent is critical in optimizing the appropriate therapy in a timely manner. Over the past years, the development and application of molecular diagnostic techniques has initiated a revolution in diagnosis and monitoring of infectious diseases. The emergence and re-emergence of several infectious diseases that can potentially impact public health worldwide has been a topic of interest in diagnosis of infectious diseases.

THE Live US 2021

Welcoming a new era of US higher education

After an uncertain year for US politics, the presidential change has restored confidence in the future of American higher education for many. With new leadership comes the hope of increased government aid, less hostility towards international students, and greater funding for scientific research.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021 - 6:00pm to Thursday, April 1, 2021 - 11:15pm

Samara Polytech chemists designed portable analyzers

Despite their high accuracy, the majority of the existing instrumental laboratory methods are very laborious and insufficient in terms of quick analysis of the objects under study. A team of scientists of Samara Polytech design cost effective portable analyzers. The recent research results are published in the journal of the American Chemical Society

A young scientist of Samara Polytech invented a glove for the deaf

Today, the lost hearing can be restored only with the help of a surgical operation to install special implants. However, this method is not always effective. Artem Brazhnikov, a master student of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy and Transport of Samara Polytech suggests to solve the problem with the help of a vibrating glove designed by him. Most recently, a young scientist received a patent for his invention.