Samara Polytech scientists developed an energy-saving method for producing composites

Scientists of the Department of Metallurgy, Powder Metallurgy, and Nanomaterials of Samara Polytech designed the composites on the basis of the methods developed by them, that makes it possible to use the obtained compounds under conditions of increased wear and tear, in corrosive environments. More recently, a team led by the head of the department, Professor Alexander Amosov received a patent for a unique technology.  

Samara Polytech predicts the future of building structures exposed to heating

Uneven temperature effects on the structure, caused by weather changes or the operation of the heating system, can lead to the formation of thermal deformations and stresses. A postgraduate student of the Department of Structural Mechanics, Engineering Geology, and Foundations of Samara Polytech Zhanslu Kusaeva developed a general mathematical model of the thermoelasticity equation that will help architects to accurately predict the future of building structures that are experiencing or may be heated.

In the search of a “magic bullet”

The treatment of viral diseases is still a serious problem in medicine. By 2021, only 89 antiviral drugs have been approved for treating diseases caused by only 9 viruses, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis C virus, and influenza virus. For most of the diseases caused by viruses, there are no approved drugs. Therefore there is an active search for compounds that can become new drugs in the future. The development of new antivirals is complicated by a large genetic diversity of viruses and, therefore, by a large variety of possible ways of attacking them

At the forefront of education, research and patient care: Semmelweis University’s leading role during the coronavirus epidemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted all aspects of life in ways never before seen in peacetime and 250-year-old Semmelweis University was no exception to the difficulties. Although the sudden outbreak of the pandemic did not allow much time for action, our institution armed with the experiences of a quarter millennium adapted to the new circumstances promptly, took up a leading role in the fight against the virus and has managed to turn the challenges into beneficial opportunities.

Laura’s story

Laura’s story

Laura Gallacher is a student of MSc Art Psychotherapy at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. Read on to discover why she chose to study here, and what drew her to this course.