University of Portsmouth

Research at the University of Portsmouth tackles this century’s most important challenges. We solve society’s problems and confront major issues facing the planet. 

Bringing The Native Oyster Back To The Solent

Overfishing, disease, pollution, poor water quality and dredging have changed the face of our undersea landscape, and brought some species close to extinction. Find out why Dr Joanne Preston is re-introducing the native oyster to British waters - and what will happen if we allow this humble mollusc to take back control of our water quality.

Bringing back the native oyster to save our seas

Engineering An Enzyme To Break Down Plastic

Plastic pollution is reaching crisis level. Of the 1 million plastic bottles sold every minute across the globe, only 14% are recycled. The vast amount of unrecycled plastic that ends up in our oceans contaminates marine ecosystems and harms ocean life.

A huge part of the problem is the strong plastic used in drinks bottles: polyethylene terephthalate (PET). It currently takes hundreds of years for PET to break down naturally in the environment.

How Virtual Reality Can Help To Cut Crime

Home at last after a hard day’s work, all you want to do is put your feet up with a nice cup of tea. But as you head for the kettle, something feels wrong.

The house feels different, somehow. It doesn’t look quite right. And then it hits you: Somebody has been here. There’s been a break-in. I’ve been robbed.

As you pace from room to room, checking off a mental list of what’s missing and what remains, you feel shocked, angry and sad.

Diversity: Don’t Tick A Box, Think Outside It

51 per cent of the UK population is female, but only 32 per cent of our MPs are women. 43 per cent of NHS chief execs are women, but 77 per cent of its employees are female. Professor Karen Johnston’s research demonstrates that the lack of diversity in organisations makes for poor performance and lack of trust. And it’s not enough just to legislate for change.

Life Solved: Podcasts On World-Changing Research

LIFE SOLVED lifts the lid on the latest ideas and discoveries that look set to change our lives. Every week we'll bring you a fresh episode featuring cutting-edge research. Find out how this is set to revolutionise the way our world works. We'll explain how technology and community go hand in hand with the natural world, and how industry and sustainable environments can connect for the benefit of society.

Real research. Real world change.