Life Solved: Podcasts On World-Changing Research

LIFE SOLVED lifts the lid on the latest ideas and discoveries that look set to change our lives. Every week we'll bring you a fresh episode featuring cutting-edge research. Find out how this is set to revolutionise the way our world works. We'll explain how technology and community go hand in hand with the natural world, and how industry and sustainable environments can connect for the benefit of society.

Real research. Real world change.

The future belongs to those who reimagine it, Imagine THAT

We’re living through a time of amazing technological change. So amazing, in fact, that it’s been called a revolution – the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or 4IR, to be exact. It’s a revolution that is already changing everything from the way we work, the way we create and consume entertainment, to our concepts of privacy, medical practice, functional technologies for the disabled, grocery buying and perhaps, most importantly, the ways we teach and learn.