Samara scientists develops a fault monitoring system

A compact self-learning intelligent system can be implemented in airplanes, drones, robots and assembly lines

Scientists of Samara National Research University (Samara University) have created an intelligent monitoring system capable of predicting technical faults, malfunctions and complex technical systems operation failures and warning about them in advance, even before they occur.

Artificial intelligence to improve accelerator reliability

In the course of a joint project between CERN openlab and SmartLINAC Samara University, modern artificial intelligence systems will be used. This was reported in the twitter of CERN openlab – a public-private partnership, in which CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) collaborates with leading companies in the field of information and communication technologies and other research organizations.

Russian, French and Japan scientists to develop a new type of high-performance materials for aerospace engineering

Theoretical and experimental studies will be held at the Samara University in the framework of the Russian Science Foundation grant 

On the basis of Samara University scientists from Russia, France and Japan will conduct theoretical and experimental studies on the creation of a technology to produce new highly efficient bimetallic materials for aerospace engineering. The materials are meant to withstand significant mechanical stress and extreme temperature extremes with a difference of several hundred degrees.