WKU-CBPM Students Enhance their Research Experience through Attending Academic Conference at Matsumoto University, Japan

Student participating in research in CBPM is a great way to customize what they are leaning in their specific field of study and pursue a topic in-depth with the help from a faculty scholar like Dr. Candy Lim Chiu. Under her supervision, eight (8) young scholars of College of Business and Public Management (CBPM) has successfully presented their research papers at the 20th Asia Pacific Management Conference (APMC) at Matsumoto University, Japan from September 5 to 7, 2018.

Institute of Asian Industry Competitiveness established at Wenzhou-Kean University

On the morning of December 12th, the opening ceremony for the Institute of Asian Industry Competitiveness (IAIC) was held at Wenzhou-Kean University. During the ceremony, the institute signed its first contract, to provides strategic support on brand-extension for the Jodoll Group Co., Ltd. Since then, the group will have its customized and exclusive consulting site.

Student Partnering with Faculty (SpF) Research Programs/Student Partnering with Staff (SpS) Research Programs

SpF/SpS is a competitive program that was developed to support student and faculty/staff research.  The implementation of these projects has played a great role in promoting the enthusiasm and ability of undergraduates in scientific research and has promoted the practical application of theoretical knowledge. Some students have achieved good results in their projects then published academic papers cooperatively, and some participated in academic conferences or competitions domestically or internationally on behalf of the University.

United Arab Emirates University

UAEU is the first and largest academic institution in the United Arab Emirates, contributing to the UAE as a successful example of a peaceful, safe and fast-growing cosmopolitan society