Following 250 years of tradition and shaping 21st-century trends – the future of Research, Development and Innovation at Semmelweis University

Over its 250 years of history, Semmelweis University has evolved into an important hub of medical and health sciences education, research and patient care in Hungary and in the Central-European region. The university is proud to have been home to numerous innovations from the first Hungarian surgery under anaesthetics, to laser tweezers, not to mention thousands of alumni, including Nobel-laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi, who have contributed to the progress of mankind over the past 250 years.

Thammasat - The First University for the People

Thammasat - The First University for the People

The COVID-19 posts an intense challenge to our well-being and health system around the world.  The effects of this pandemic on the economy force every business sector not just to recover but rather to fast forward and adapt themselves into this ‘new normal’ way of living.  This imposes great uncertainties to all of us, thus, how universities should enhance their civic engagement and work towards outcomes that benefit the communities that they serve is a challenge for many institutions.