Thermonuclear Energy - ITER International Collaboration

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) contributes to the development of the world's largest experimental thermonuclear reactor ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor). Vladimir Rozhansky, Professor of the SPbPU Higher School of Physics and Engineering, is one of the few scientists in Russia, who is a member of the ITER research group. Together with his colleagues at the Polytechnic University he is moving forward to the worldwide use of controlled fusion energy.

The impact of coronavirus on higher education

Universities and college campuses are places where students live and study in close proximity to each other. They are also buzzing cultural hubs where students are brought together from nations around the world. Recently, the foundations of this unique ecosystem have been impacted significantly by the rapid spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak, creating uncertainty regarding the implications for higher education.