Studying Macau and Committing to the Society

Studying Macau and Committing to the Society

The Institute for Social and Cultural Research (ISCR) – Commitment to developing a platform of Macao’s Humanities and Social Science Research

ISCR was established in December 2010. It’s a key research institute in Macau University of Science and Technology. Prominent scholars in concerning fields are engaged for the common academic course. Besides, an efficient crew of full-time and part-time researchers stand solid for teaching and research of the institute.

Advanced research in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Introduction of State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine (THE)

The establishment of the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine is an important initiation for the central government to promote the international development of Chinese medicine, and to advance the moderate diversification of economic development and technological upgrading in Macao. The laboratory aims: