Studying an Engineering degree abroad: A guide for creative problem solvers


Will an Engineering degree help me get a job?

The short answer is yes, it’s highly likely to. The future looks good for Engineering graduates as their skills are in high demand worldwide: the number of engineering jobs is increasing, but the number of graduates to fill them is not.

A report by EngineeringUK identified that 124,000 engineers and technicians with core engineering skills will be needed each year by 2024. Yet the shortfall in demand of qualified engineers is estimated at as much as 59,000 annually – and this is in the UK alone. (1)

Studying a Politics and International Development degree abroad: A guide for future global ambassadors

Why study Politics?

 They say Politics is the art of the possible, so what’s possible for its graduates? Politics and International Development is one of the most globally-focused subjects; giving you the opportunity to develop key transferable skills that will allow you to work in a vast array of industries across the world: from government and charity sectors to jobs in journalism or law.