Thammasat University's IAD-Alert System Revolutionizes Eldercare – Fighting Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis

Faecal and urinary incontinence is a common challenge faced by many older adults, and it can lead to a frustrating skin condition called incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD). IAD causes redness, irritation, and even open sores due to constant exposure to moisture generated from urine and feces. This is especially problematic for vulnerable elders who have limited mobility and may not be able to alert caregivers quickly or have limited caregiving assistance.

Illuminating Sierra Leone: Quest for Sustainable Energy

A Nation in Darkness

Sierra Leone grapples with a significant challenge: only 26% of its population has access to electricity. This lack of power cripples education, strains the environment through deforestation for fuel, and even increases fire risks. Witnessing these struggles firsthand as a child in a displacement camp, young entrepreneur Jeremiah Thoronka was inspired to take action.