Times Higher Education events
Recent changes to visa represent shift in thinking about attracting and retaining brightest graduates, says education adviser Maryam Riaz
President of Lebanese American University explains how refugee focus has made interdisciplinary courses more relevant and engaging
Shorter online lectures work better, says former World Bank higher education director Francisco Marmolejo
Discussing growing influence of philanthropic donors, experts stress need for transparency and careful thinking
Speaking on eve of strikes, new chair George Boyne says affordability is ‘the big constrictor’
Sector leaders acknowledge long-term problems with pay and say now is the time to resolve them after union promises strikes
Don’t wait for governments to act, say university leaders
Author of centenary report on UK adult education says plans as they stand unlikely to undo decades of neglect
Steve West also calls on politicians to ‘get serious’ about solution to declining university funding
Latest DfE appointee tells event he does not want the policy debate ‘to be about Oxbridge, Oxbridge, Oxbridge’
Times Higher Education’s head of reputation outlines the current landscape
Leading civil rights figure in US higher education questions assertions by Supreme Court justices that ending legacy advantages could be a reasonable response to their expected ban on affirmative action
At THE conference in Los Angeles, warning of long-term debt to workers includes suggested remedies such as temporary release from course loads and pause in tenure clock
Earlier engagement with African research partners will lead to improved outcomes and institutional relations, says global health expert Margaret Gyapong
Interdisciplinary degrees focused on sustainability challenges would excite undergraduates more than discipline-led courses, says KAUST president
Former Irish president tells Glasgow congress universities must redouble efforts on emissions to help hit Paris targets by 2030
As THE’s Global Sustainable Development Congress kicks off at the University of Glasgow, Oxfam’s chief executive Danny Sriskandarajah explains why universities are increasingly important in the fight against poverty and social injustice
The University of Sydney will host the next THE World Academic Summit in September 2023
After long being attuned to primary and secondary needs, lender and donor sees urgency of tertiary-level development
As companies seek to supplant university courses, Nobelist fears policymakers blinded by promises of cheap and easy
President says experience of ‘provocateur extraordinaire’ provided a tough test of principles that are now paying off
‘Universities can’t sit in isolation’ but academics remain too ‘internally focused’, says Arizona State president
Asian superpower’s drift away from international partnerships a result of the pandemic, says president of National Natural Science Foundation of China
Outgoing Oxford v-c critiques Westminster fiascos and social media trolling, while making case for more women in leadership
NSF director Sethuraman Panchanathan highlights need to exploit vast talent beyond the nation’s elite universities
The global picture is changing, as five countries enter the ranking for the first time – all of them in Africa. Rosa Ellis reports
Number of African countries in rankings doubles since 2018, with 25 universities making debut appearances this year
Universities face growing public pressure but this only means their mission is more vital than ever, NYU president Andrew Hamilton tells Rosa Ellis
Biggest ever World University Ranking reveals how Africa rises as US’ crown slips
Global balance of research power shows signs of shifting as US stagnates and China improves
Some presidents advocate cutting ties with universities in rival states, while others urge maintaining academic links even when diplomatic ones are straitened
Academics must work closely with students to foster innovation, says KAUST president
Head of New York Public Library warns that ‘two-tier’ higher education system is broken and ‘letting kids down’
‘If you are worried about the quality of online teaching, worry about the teaching part,’ says Clay Shirky
Universities should equip students to deal with changing nature of work through broad education, says National Humanities Medal recipient
Celebrated Harvard economist opens THE’s World Academic Summit by showing academia’s top leaders the ways their sector continues to stratify society
‘Short horizons’ of grant-givers holding back early career researchers from disadvantaged backgrounds, says Glasgow principal
Rectors set up emergency measures to allow Russian students to participate in courses even if they cannot leave their country
‘Awful lot of pressure’ on higher education sector ‘to do the heavy lifting’ without wider societal commitment, says Manchester professor
New York University’s multiple sites around the world were instrumental in minimising Covid-related disruption, says Andrew Hamilton
Prepare for the rankings launch of the year
Demands to accommodate price spikes and satisfy business needs are putting students’ progress at risk, summit hears
Australian pioneers of institutional-scale block teaching say expansion forced refinements of the model
‘Absolute support’ for Australian government’s decision to quarantine extra places for disadvantaged students
But preoccupation with the mundane sidelines universities from the main game, according to vice-chancellors
Analysis of the average score by country over the past five years
Emerging from the pandemic, in a region beset by authoritarian leaders and poverty, universities remain resilient. Rosa Ellis writes
Chilean university leads list for fourth consecutive year, but Brazil is top-performing country overall
An internalised, colonial-era emphasis on exam grades is preventing students from deeper learning, forum hears
Instead of creating ‘strong leaders’, institutions should aim to educate students to be ‘someone everyone wants to work with’, academics told
Free online courses have much to offer professors, including feedback on their own performance
Grand challenges ‘do not fit neatly within disciplinary boundaries’ and neither should science
Nanyang Technological University gets leadership prize for its ‘outstanding rate and quality of development’
In partnership with Fujita Health University, this year’s Asia Universities Summit will examine the role of the university in a rapidly changing world, coinciding with the Asia University Rankings 2022 launch
EU-sponsored groupings need to win friends and influence national deregulation to realise their ambitions, experts say
Chief of renowned university sees positive leadership role during Covid but admits miscues on edX and blind spots on cost discipline
Virtual tools have unprecedented power to bend teaching towards research-proven ideals, yet opportunity of lockdown getting squandered, MIT experts tell colleagues
India and Malaysia take lead as best represented countries, followed by China
Access to many courses will remain free, says head of Mooc pioneer, with participants charged for exams, interaction and certificates
Philosopher A. C. Grayling says scholars should not fight digitisation but should seek to protect academic freedom and avoid the creation of a gig economy