Science minister tells Commons committee that he is more interested in maximising impact of science spending than increasing total outlay, as he emphasises need to get visa policies ‘right’
From cancelled guest lectures to disrupted clinical trials, the damage to US science caused by a grant approval freeze is mounting, but further problems lie ahead
Government ‘cherry-picked’ ideas with commercial application, despite reviewer warnings against ‘naive’ expectations of windfall profits, scientists say
Liverpool vice-chancellor argues that conducting more research outside London and south-east of England would improve healthcare and educational outcomes
‘SWAT team’ of finance experts and science writers helps university secure more federal research funds than any other US institution, says its vice-provost for research
New role backed by cement company at Trinity College Dublin has prompted protests, but can institutions – and the planet – realistically afford to spurn such funding?
New Labour government believes decade-long budgets will lead to more industry investment in science and fewer precariously employed researchers, but not everyone is so convinced