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Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU)

Baku, Azerbaijan
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Basic information and contact details for Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU)


Azerbaijan Technological University aims to produce specialists across the industries of food, textiles, tourism, light, logistics, metallurgy, and information and communications.

Offering bachelor and master’s degree programmes, the university has four faculties of food engineering, economics and management, light industrial engineering and logistics, and automation, telecommunications and informatics. There are also 14 departments, including master's and doctoral departments offering postgraduate degrees.

For students wishing to develop and perfect their English language, Azerbaijan Technical University has an English language resource centre. The Heydar Aliyev School studies activities of the national leader, Heydar Aliyev, and state policy.

Both inside and outside of their studies, students have access to a range of facilities from a library to the innovation centre, gym, and dormitory. The Student Youth Organisation has been present on campus since 2010 and organises leisure activities, groups, and volunteering opportunities for its student body. Book club, foreign languages club, and cinema club are popular at the university, as well as chess, sports, and more.

Azerbaijan Technical University has international partnerships with universities across Europe, and Asia. Students have the unique opportunity to study a double diploma in transport logistics with the Bialystok University of Technology in Poland, where master's students split their four semesters across the two campuses. While the degree option and university will change each year, this is a chance for students to develop cultural and language skills.

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