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ESPCI ParisTech

Paris, France
201-250th in World University Rankings 2017
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Basic information and contact details for ESPCI ParisTech


ESPCI ParisTech is a world-renowned French grande école that trains scientists and engineers at the graduate level, as well as a research institution with a distinguished history. It has a prestigious scientific heritage: ESPCI ParisTech counts among its current and former faculty Pierre and Marie Curie, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Georges Charpak and other Nobel laureates. ESPCI ParisTech has 18 high-profile laboratories that advance scientific knowledge and pioneer technical know-how in a variety of research areas, ranging from polymers to telecommunications, from nanobiophysics to organic synthesis, from environmental science to biomedical imagining, from neurobiology to microfluidics, from soft matter to quantum physics, from colloids to prototyping for industry. Research at ESPCI ParisTech lies ahead of the industry R&D curve. It focuses on anticipating needs that will arise in the short to distant future, and on inventing the adequate solutions. Scientists use these real-world opportunities to explore and understand fundamental aspects of nature and matter.

Until 2017 ESPCI ParisTech was ranked as a separate institution by THE in the World University Rankings. Since the 2018 World University Rankings, ESPCI ParisTech has been ranked as part of Paris Sciences et Lettres – PSL Research University Paris.

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Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at ESPCI ParisTech

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
38 F : 62 M (1)
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International student percentage
14% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
6.3 (1)
Student total
481 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2017

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