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National Taipei University of Technology

Taipei, Taiwan
1001–1200th in World University Rankings 2025
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Basic information and contact details for National Taipei University of Technology


Established in 1912, the National Taipei University of Technology in Taiwan’s largest city, widely known as Taipei Tech, is one of Taiwan’s many fast-improving universities. More than 10% of founders, board directors, and CEOs of Taiwan’s stock companies are Taipei Tech alumni, who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in various professional fields.

Initially known as the School of Industrial Instruction during Taiwan’s 50 years as a Japanese colony, at first, its only departments were Woodwork, Metalwork and Electrical Engineering. Taipei Tech started providing five-year associate degree programmes in 1948, when it became known as Provincial Taipei Institute of Technology, a name it retained for half a century.

Granted university status in 1997, running more than 50 programmes at undergraduate, MA and PhD level, it now specialises in technology, design and management, although it also has a College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Like at other Taiwanese universities, many of which are also based in the city of Taipei, tuition fees at Taipei Tech have long been relatively low. Rich in history, Taipei, a world-famous technology hub, comprises good value restaurants, reliable public transport and plenty of parks and riverside paths.

Taipei Tech is located close to a metro station, the city centre and landmarks such as the Palace Museum and Taipei 101 skyscraper. Buses and high-speed trains connect it with Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport.

The university’s priorities include creating and maintaining strong ties with businesses and industries. It has also been commended for its eco-friendly credentials. In 2010, it opened its award-winning Green Gate, a flagship main entrance which combines trees with public art.

Every year, Taipei Tech hosts a campus-wide party for international students to mingle with local students.

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Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at National Taipei University of Technology

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
28 F : 72 M (1)
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International student percentage
11% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
15.5 (1)
Student total
9746 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2025

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Subjects Taught at National Taipei University of Technology

See below for a range of subjects taught at National Taipei University of Technology

Social Sciences601–800th


    • General Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    • Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering