
Participants in the international higher education race should beware a sub-prime-style crash, cautions Philip Altbac

14 February

Brian Snowdon sees a case for economists demonstrating that theirs is a discipline broad in scope and inclusive in recruitment

14 February

We keep blaming ourselves for trying to achieve the impossible with widening participation, says Patrick Ainley.

7 February

Our future fourth estate needs core skills taught in sciences and humanities, not media studies, argues Tim Luckhurst.

7 February

Tim Birkhead asks: When does being inspired by another's idea turn into theft?

7 February

Forget the fantasies of dreaming spires and eager young minds. Gloria Monday’s academic world is one of sick buildings, indifferent students and endless bureaucracy

4 February

Reducing numbers of arts postgrads was bad enough, but the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s cuts in grants and funding are the final straw for Simon Blackburn

31 January

Unlike the UK, Spain happily invests in the best, says Felipe Fernández-Armesto.

31 January

Not only must scientists debate their work more with the public, their efforts should be rewarded, says Jack Stilgoe.

31 January

David Eastwood sets out the opportunities and challenges posed by Hefce's review of sustainable development in higher education.

31 January

It's worrying that initiatives designed to attract students from low-income backgrounds are falling short, says David Willetts.

24 January

Business-facing universities require business-facing academics, says Deian Hopkin. But is a sceptical audience ready to admit it?

17 January

As academic bookselling declines, Susan Bassnett sees hope for authors and readers alike in web publishing.

10 January

Roy Harris takes a quizzical look at what it means to live in a dictionary culture when we question its apparent certainties.

10 January