
Beware those who want information - and informers. An anonymous academic considers the police-state side to 'managerial techniques'

21 August

It's time to start exchanging gifts and sharing cultures with the digital natives who are our students, says Fintan Culwin

21 August

Jonathan Taylor posits that our emphasis on the advancement of knowledge can crush creativity

14 August

The precedents, the tear-stained notes, the wisdom of Solomon (The External): Frank Burnet wonders whatever happened to exam boards

14 August

Ninety years after the suffragettes' first victory, June Purvis reflects on wars still being fought on behalf of women's rights

7 August

Don't let students' howlers drive you mad, says Ken Smith. Accept their most common mistakes as variant spellings ... and relax

7 August

It is time for the West to listen and learn from Muslim moderates and radicals alike, insists Cynthia Keppley Mahmood

31 July

Frank Furedi says the reason the degree classification system is broken is too little autonomy, not too much

31 July

Wellington was once a town where espresso was dangerously pretentious, but an innovative alliance of galleries, libraries, archives and museums has helped rebrand the New Zealand city

Press-ganged into attending the annual graduation ceremony, a sweaty and begowned Gloria Monday wishes some of the cash on show was heading her way

30 July

The fuss over external examining and standards misses the point - degrees really are no longer what they were, says Kevin Sharpe

24 July

At a seminar in Romania, Jon Baldwin finds that this new member of the EU has valuable lessons for UK universities

24 July

Students’ pleasure in writing is often knocked out of them by formal schooling. Blogging may become their only outlet of expression and, with a little encouragement, it is possible to reignite their love for the written word, suggests Tara Brabazon

David Baker argues that forward-thinking higher education providers see opportunities, not unremitting gloom, ahead

17 July

Managers should open new paths to the title 'professor' as research funds shrink and academics' duties expand, argues Huw Morris

17 July

Gloria Monday is surprised to find marks being awarded for expletives, and wonders whether she should incorporate this practice into her work as an external examiner

15 July

Kevin Fong discovers fear in a campus mini-mart shelf full of Pot Noodles

10 July

Undergraduates who see creative writing as an 'easy' degree dismay a tutor accustomed to the dedication of adult education students

10 July

Nancy Rothwell, Raymond Dwek, Alan Malcolm and Richard Dyer on the future of UK biology's learned societies

10 July

Carping about universities often overlooks the positive and the constant efforts we make to improve, says Rick Trainor

3 July

Diplomas offer the skills and knowledge a competitive economy needs, so the CBI's predilection for A levels is puzzling, says Michael Arthur

3 July

E-learning consultants invent crises and create divisions between students and teachers so they can sell their wares. Tara Brabazon analyses the rise of the digital Raj

Clumsy questions and dodgy data bedevil claims that high IQ leads to atheism, says Denis Alexander. A closer look offers a different picture

26 June

Increasingly bitter and complex campus disputes need sane, tactful ombudsmen to solve them, says G.R. Evans

26 June