
An overseas applicant’s woefully illiterate proposal on the feminine wiles of Olivia Cromwell nearly leads to civil war in the department. Gloria Monday rallies her fellow academics.

12 January

In a turbulent year, says Bill Wakeham, academic unions should join forces with institutions to survive the downturn

8 January

It is not only academics who are snapped up by rival employers, but Jon Baldwin says strong organisations survive

1 January

Managers have gone to work on the RAE figures, and now Gloria Monday does not know if her university has gone up, down or nowhere at all. But she knows she’s unlikely to be any better off

29 December

The standard critical and academic response to the film Australia from the likes of Germaine Greer miss the point about the artificiality of cinema and the use of sentiment as style, argues Tara Brabazon

29 December

Gary Day finds a Santa lookalike in Egypt, bigotry in Kansas, sublime jazz and rapidly melting Arctic ice

23 December

Sheep have moved on since the nativity, says Frank Burnet as he ruminates on the ruminants with star quality to spare

18 December

Gary Day on life after the Army, teenagers and technology, lost childhoods and 90 years of the RAF

18 December

Gloria Monday wonders about the dean’s motives in choosing the evening of the RAE results day for his annual Christmas party

15 December

John Ashworth wonders whether Cara's 75th anniversary is really a cause for celebration or a reason for reflection

11 December

Kafka, the porn connoisseur - he's a laugh; but after trips to Italy, Gary Day finds Walford a tad depressing

4 December

Tara Brabazon on John Sergeant and Kristina Rihanoff’s thrilling subversion of the controlling, conservative dark side of light entertainment

4 December

A publicly supported national university would benefit all students, says Brian Roper, rather than just the best prepared

4 December

The European Reference Index for the Humanities seeks to highlight research, not criticise it, says Michael Worton

27 November

As deputy head of department, Gloria Monday finds herself in the unenviable position of looking for ways to cut costs

27 November

Frank Furedi on the assumptions, agendas and distinctly iffy data behind those ubiquitous words, 'research shows'

20 November

After a Gok Wan-inspired 'domestic', Gary Day muses on religion, eternal life and the ugliness of bigotry

20 November

Take great care when answering questions about your academic interests in online surveys, William Keenan warns

13 November

HRH's 60th birthday: what's to celebrate, asks Gary Day. Plus, old bones, tired comedy and undead spies

13 November

Many years ago, Frank Burnet fought for modularisation and credit transfer. The war was won, but victory was pyrrhic

6 November