
Maureen Skinner, like other delegates at the meeting of America’s university administrators, shared her troubles in song amid the talk of tough times

29 May

How to thrive in recession - create a market in university course futures. Richard Middleton has a modest proposal

28 May

Outrage over MPs’ expenses will be as nothing to the howls unleashed when people learn that ‘education, education, education’ was a false promise, says Gloria Monday

25 May

Policy Exchange wants to inflict a bankrupt ideology on London's students and communities, argues Cliff Snaith

21 May

Union confrontations will not help the sector achieve the financial stability that secures jobs, Bill Wakeham says

14 May

Patricia Lee, the wife of Simon Lee, former vice-chancellor of Leeds Met, responds to the media's slings and arrows

14 May

After years of battling the Nimbys, John Brooks formulated a campus plan that articulates Manchester Met's values

7 May

Felipe Fernández-Armesto salutes the US military's intellectual proving ground

7 May

David Robinson says Canada has much to teach us about the commercial imperative in academia and its dangers

7 May

The gap between further and higher education is still too wide, but the US model could bridge it, says Rob Wilson

30 April

All foreign students are now suspect in the current Salem-like xenophobic frenzy. We must stand firm, says Susan Edwards

30 April

The world isn't made of equations - we should keep alert against mathematical seduction, says Michael Bulley

23 April

Most governance models allow v-cs to ignore academic opinions and freedoms. This must change, says Sally Hunt

23 April

Satirical news programme The Daily Show does more than poke fun at the powers that be. It condemns lazy and populist broadcasting, and urges us to question what we are told and what we choose to watch – lessons that go beyond a good laugh, writes Tara Brabazon

22 April

Tanya Ovenden-Hope welcomes the Leitch report's model for higher education provision in further education colleges

16 April