
Libraries are being transformed into rowdy social spaces, with disastrous consequences, says Kevin Sharpe

5 November

University curriculums should include an experience akin to online gaming, which could provide an edge in the jobs market, say Graham Manville and Janice Rippon

1 November

The decline of criticism is not democratising: it threatens the development of culture itself, argues Tiffany Jenkins

30 October

'Intensely relaxed' about the academy's 'filthy rich legacy', Simon Blackburn sees no need to justify his work to ministers

29 October

Russell Stannard, a THE Award winner for his work with ICT, offers practical tips on how to increase the visibility of a website with your open education resources

25 October

John Beddington welcomes Hefce's plans to recognise and reward academic work that informs policymaking in the REF

22 October

Gary Day finds nature thrilling but is filled with gloom by our perpetual desire to reinvent ourselves

22 October

Lecturers must do more than lecture, argues Mary Malcolm: they must develop students' intellectual-inquiry skills

15 October

The REF plans are bad news for new universities and promise to negate the fairness and sense apparent in the 2008 RAE, argues Ian M. Marshall

14 October

Student debt is not all down to fees. Kevin Sharpe argues that the desire to live a luxurious lifestyle plays a part, too

8 October

Tim Birkhead witnesses Darwin’s anguish as he struggles with personal conflict and loss and the weight of the world’s most powerful idea

2 October

US universities are part of the fabric of their communities. Robin Hambleton says UK institutions should emulate them

1 October

Dan Stern says that the marketisation of research means that academics must abandon the ivory tower and get down and dirty in the marketplace – or face obscurity

25 September