
Producing the highest-quality MBAs is the unabashed aim of 'sausage factory' BPP. Katie Best is proud to see it deliver

6 May

Gary Day finds the omission of one victim's tale disturbing in the gritty realism of Five Daughters

6 May

Funny how typing-pool notions persist in a Web 2.0 world, says Sally Feldman

6 May

The critique of independent schools’ advantages in university admissions has raised its head again, but the academy should not be in the business of compensating for state schools’ failures, argue Ted Tapper and Brian Salter

2 May

Being creative without commercial pressure is a privilege enjoyed only in higher education, says Zandra Rhodes

29 April

Releasing Open Educational Resources is not only a commendable way to broaden access to scholarship, it can cost-effectively boost your institution’s profile and student numbers, says Russell Stannard

24 April

Michael Wood calls for a global organisation to set up a quality-controlled academic repository for all disciplines

22 April

Gary Day is more entertained by Alastair Stewart's tie than he is by the three main political leaders

22 April

Once upon a time, the academy saw its role as subjecting prevailing ideologies to a critical eye. But after decades of political pressure, it has surrendered its independence and lost its soul, laments Stephen Logan

18 April

Universities offer students a priceless opportunity to stay fit and active, says Olympic silver medallist Heather Fell

15 April

Feeling lost, angry, disenfranchised? Confused by the jargon overwhelming the academy? Philip Davies offers a handy print-out-and-keep guide to the evils of ‘edu-speak’

14 April

Employers and funders must involve staff in debates about potential changes in the sector, argues Michael MacNeil

8 April

Arresting the decline of foreign language learning in the UK is vital to business competitiveness and young people’s development, argue David Lammy and Diana Johnson

5 April

Ruthlessly competitive workplaces hold no terrors for battle-hardened English literature graduates, says Christian Lander

1 April

As well as nurturing her writing, novelist Rebecca Connell believes, her university experience gave her self-belief

25 March

Tom Gallagher searches in vain for independent thought in the complacent academy and media of devolved Scotland

25 March