
Olympic sportsman, practising lawyer and Lib Dem leader, Menzies Campbell puts it all down to his time at university

22 July

Gary Day watches a story of spiralling debt and fails to be uplifted by a fairy-tale take on unemployment

22 July

Sir David Watson rates the performance of Cable and Willetts and offers them his vision of the academy’s future – a flexible but united sector providing long-term learning on American lines

21 July

The success of forensic science must not blind the discipline to the truths to be gleaned from studying the chaos of criminality, argues Stephen Wade

18 July

As world league tables gain influence they need to reflect the multi-faceted nature of universities’ activities, says Seeram Ramakrishna

15 July

If UK business leaders want a highly skilled workforce, they must lend a hand, says Santander's António Horta-Osório

15 July

Tara Brabazon identifies 10 scholarly uses for Apple’s latest gadget, and the new ways of reading, writing, watching and thinking that the platform supports

14 July

Study of the social and moral issues raised in the Harry Potter series has great relevance to today’s society, argues Martin Richardson

13 July

France is using governance reform and investment to push its universities up the league tables. Will it work? asks Paul Benneworth

8 July

History goes out but the lessons remain: university taught Joe Goddard to be self-reliant and to reject stereotypes

8 July

England's apologetic performance on the pitch could just be in keeping with our history, says Gary Day

8 July

Education is one of the capital's great success stories, says Malcolm Gillies

8 July

Attracting top international students is part of Israel’s renewed commitment to cooperation and excellence, explains Joseph Klafter

1 July

Rock legend Paul Rodgers pays tribute to Teesside University's key role in Middlesbrough's renaissance

1 July

John Lennon's unresolved feelings for his mother were part of what made him who he was, says Gary Day

1 July

Is it enough to demand an original contribution to knowledge or should doctoral candidates also have to show that they have “material suitable for publication” ? asks Tara Brabazon

30 June

Irene Macías deplores many Britons’ pitiful foreign language skills and employers’ apparent ignorance about its growing importance

29 June

Gary Day is diverted by a look at working-class pleasures and the life of the Queen of the Music Hall

24 June

The Royal Family’s humanity and fallibility are strengths, not weaknesses, argues A. W. Purdue

20 June

Greg Garrard is torn between packing his course reading lists and giving his students time to reflect and dig deep

17 June

Gary Day is dazzled by Ozwald Boateng's style, but less so by England's performance on the pitch

17 June