
Tim Birkhead on universities' courtship of their next cohort of students

23 September

Each week, Dr Margot Feelbetter poses a dilemma and offers advice for readers to respond to online. This week: Body, not mind

16 September

George Watson defends a much-maligned institution that is simply the best political idea mankind has had

16 September

Employee ownership could help preserve the university as a site of research and teaching, suggests Steve Fuller

9 September

Gary Day on a harrowing tale of modern-day slavery that he fears will have no impact on its reality

9 September

The creative industries must be given as much support as STEM subjects to keep the UK at the forefront of the world economy, argues David Docherty

8 September

Student life gave Roxanne Pallett a blank canvas from which to reinvent herself and the confidence to follow her dreams

26 August

Researchers need the freedom to take risks, says Felipe Fernández-Armesto

26 August

National university league tables are aimed at student consumers, but the revamped THE World University Rankings have a broader constituency: the global academy in all its variety. Phil Baty reports

18 August

Attention all sixth-formers: worried about securing a university place? How about a period of volunteering during which you can learn new skills, help the community and gain a financial fillip before the academy beckons, suggests James Derounian

17 August

Anshul Tomer, a successful actor and singer, is thankful for the life-changing experience of studying in Edinburgh

12 August

The past 10 years have seen their fair share of ups and downs for higher education in Ireland, but Ferdinand von Prondzynski, outgoing president of Dublin City University, leaves his post with more than a hint of optimism for the future

10 August

Boredom, fear and bloodshed: Duncan Wu on a provocatively frank view of the war in Afghanistan

5 August

In this age of austerity, we need to fund excellence, say David Price and Stephen Caddick

5 August