
In the last in this series, Dr Margot Feelbetter poses a dilemma and offers advice for readers to respond to online. This week: Final reckoning

5 May

There are pitfalls to setting up an overseas campus but the grand ideas do translate into practice, says Paul Greatrix

5 May

David Vaiani argues that the UK's universities must cast off the bonds of state finance to thrive on the global stage

5 May

The royal wedding demanded a topsy-turvy carnival of sex and symbolic slaughter, says Camilla Power, but trying to exercise a human right to ritual participation landed her in jail

4 May

Peter Geoghegan lauds an HEA-funded project that aims to correct the commodification of the academic experience

28 April

Our willingness to end funding for 2* work bodes ill for the future of research at elites and new universities alike, says Michael Rayner

28 April

Shocked by his students' great reluctance to read, Nicholas Morton sought a way to get them hooked on the habit

21 April

Tim Birkhead finds a valuable lesson in the story of the bullfinch trainers

21 April

Trinity College Dublin staff follow ancient traditions in the election of their head, but one voter fears their loss as the state encroaches

14 April

The British Academy can be proud of its steadfastly arm's-length allocation of public funds, Adam Roberts argues

14 April

External examiner James Derounian seeks respect and fair remuneration for the bastions of the appraisal system

8 April

To stop the Arab Spring developing into an oppressive winter, the changemakers should read their Camus, argues Robert Zaretsky

7 April

Who wouldn't want to help Africans avoid malaria and find sustainable work? Western aid officials, says Nick Petford

7 April

Michael Boylan on strategies to engage, empower and educate students when discussing controversial issues

31 March

In the search for new proxies to inform the World University Rankings, overseas collaboration is a real contender, says Jonathan Adams

31 March

Ethical downfalls are not the result of single acts, but rather the daily erosion of moral standards, says Stefano Harney

24 March

The German government minister who was accused of plagiarism really just wants to be loved, claims Christopher Reid

24 March

Katie Best calls for business school rankings that measure pedagogic merit, not simply cash and corporate power

17 March

Full competition for qualified students would keep fees down, says Alasdair Smith, and limiting unqualified numbers would control costs

17 March