
The government's access proposals are contradictory and timid - they should be bolder, declares Graeme Atherton

7 July

We should not be so dismissive of back-office staff, for not only are they vital to the academy, they are human, Paul Greatrix says

7 July

Don't be put off by the Commission on a Bill of Rights, say Colin Harvey and Colm O'Cinneide - we must engage with it

30 June

The White Paper lacks vision: the coalition's short-termism must give way to long-term thinking, Libby Hackett says

30 June

Alan Ryan considers whether traditional university education has run its race

30 June

Using peer review to reflect the holistic nature of journal 'output' would mitigate the REF, argues Keith Kahn-Harris

23 June

Move over, 'helicopter parents': a new model is strafing the US sector and is on its way here. Peter Gumbel offers an early warning

23 June

New College is a necessary response to a state-run model that denudes our precious autonomy, argues Frank Furedi

16 June

On the eve of the White Paper, Steve West reflects on the passion, partnerships and diversity that will stand the sector in good stead

16 June

The road to hell is paved with good policy intentions, says Mike Boxall: the academy needs the right incentives to deliver public benefits

9 June

Coalition policies deserve opprobrium - a minister cut from the same cloth as the academy does not, says Wes Streeting

9 June

Even in the web age, academic get-togethers remain relevant, says Alice Bell

9 June

Writing course materials for Goldsmiths was a young Gabriel Egan’s first scholarly work. Two decades later, they’re part of a ‘superstar’ institution’s offerings

7 June

In a climate of higher fees and rising unemployment, student litigation is likely to increase. Adam Brett offers his evaluation of what universities must do to stay out of court

3 June

Roger Brown offers a dystopian vision of university closures, cheap, unregulated for-profits and declining standards

2 June

Julian Beer and colleagues warn that the U-Multirank ranking system lacks flexibility and will not reflect institutions' missions

2 June

Tier 4 reforms discriminate against the private sector and give the QAA too much power, Geoffrey Alderman warns

26 May

Calm down Vince: Lord Browne is ready to kick-start the stuttering engine of university reform. Rob Cuthbert imagines the possibilities

26 May

Citation indices are poor and distorting proxies for research quality - they should get the boot, argues Thomas Docherty

19 May

By restoring cuts made to Oscar Wilde's work, we gain insights into the political forces underpinning censorship, says Nicholas Frankel

19 May

The critics are wrong, argues Rick Rylance; the AHRC is funding research into the 'Big Society', not promoting it

12 May

Academy take note: the International Baccalaureate offers the best preparation for higher study, argue John Oakes and Anthony Seldon

12 May