
Division, dishonesty and unfairness: David Shaw evaluates the moral health of the REF and finds it sorely wanting

26 January

Ucas is a monopoly that cares more about protecting universities than helping students, says Steve Edwards. It must be reorganised

26 January

Ryszard Piotrowicz argues that international law must once again become a core component of UK legal curricula

19 January

Linguists and revivalists worldwide have much to learn from Hebrew's remarkable, hybridic modern-day rebirth, says Ghil'ad Zuckermann

19 January

Les Ebdon tells the government to keep its hands off the widening participation funding - it's too important to lose

12 January

Anti-immigration policies, an Indian student's murder - the UK government needs to forge better foreign links, urges Keith Vaz

12 January

A sales tax dividend could be just the ticket for a US sector hit by wave after wave of state cuts, opines Hamid Shirvani

5 January

Combining funding and regulatory roles is hard, says Roger King. To do it successfully, Hefce must adopt a more autonomous stance

5 January

Students are suffering from survey fatigue - as are we all, says Sally Feldman

5 January

European universities should look to the US for a route back to excellence, argues Santiago Iñiguez de Onzoño

22 December

Occupy has won more minds than hearts among the public, and that includes scholars and students, says Sunil Manghani

22 December

Like capitalism, science has flaws, but it’s the best we’ve got, says Kevin Fong

22 December

If you're sick of HR's endless, dubious employee surveys, says Adrian Furnham, there's a fiendishly simple way to fight back

15 December

A new generation of politically savvy scientists is needed to ensure that STEM delivers the benefits the UK needs, argues Ian Gibson

15 December

The 'core-and-margin' policy will cost colleges dear - another unforeseen result of coalition plans, says Philip Davies

8 December

Soul-crushing email causes stress and slows work. Oliver Double proposes some ways to cut the burden. Email-free Friday, anyone?

8 December

Journalism with academic analysis can create material with impact - but will the REF consider it? asks John Mair

1 December

Many state school pupils miss the chance to learn a foreign language. Universities must offer them the opportunity, insists Julia King

1 December

Aaron Porter says that in a high-fees world, the sector must do more to involve an increasingly diverse student body in decision-making

24 November

Impact gives science a way to keep the public onside, says Stephen Curry

24 November

The EPSRC's new strategy intends to strengthen research to attract extra funding in future, explains David Delpy

24 November

Demonstrators are not the only ones with profound if unarticulated questions. Stefano Harney says we owe students more than teaching

17 November