
As the World Cup hits fever pitch, Robin Hambleton hopes that UK academics who are hostile to professional, external assessment of the impact of their research will draw a few lessons from the beautiful game

13 June

Ahead of a meeting to draft a manifesto for Europe's academy, Jo Ritzen stresses the importance of autonomy

10 June

Gavin Brown laments the disappearance of the basic programming languages, all but absent in the modern PC

3 June

Arthur Louis explains his post-retirement decision to retrain as a nurse, and says age hasn't hindered him a bit

3 June

Having spent years earning the right to teach undergraduates, Tara Brabazon knows very well that ‘experience’ is nothing like a degree

2 June

Universities overlook ways to make savings simply because they do not focus on institution-wide schemes, argues Microsoft’s Ray Fleming

30 May

Gymnast Beth Tweddle found university helped her become a well-rounded person and taught her time management

27 May

Sally Hunt urges UK academics to join the campaign to free colleagues jailed in Colombia for their political views

27 May

Before music became his life, a university writing course provided Liam Fray with creative stimulation and excitement

20 May

If the academy is to survive, it needs domestic support to take the offensive internationally, argues Anthony Seldon

20 May

Bridging the chasm that separates universities from the environments that support them enriches and enlivens the educational experience, argues Tara Brabazon

19 May

Gary Day looks through his periscope at submarine movies, in which John Mills often plays a leading role

13 May

The decline of modern languages in the UK threatens our place in the European conversation, writes Anthony Bushell

13 May

Stuart Maconie found his voice at university and took his first (albeit faltering) steps towards music journalism

13 May

After a general election with no clear winner, the scientific method can build consensus and support stable government, argues Christopher Tyler

12 May

Directly funding further education colleges would allow them to take their rightful place in the academy, argues Philip Davies

9 May

Popular culture is dismissed as trash by some academics, but as Lady Gaga – ‘Baudrillard in a bra’ – shows, there’s plenty of intellectual value in the dustbin. Tara Brabazon digs in

From water-pistol mayhem to dissertation immersion, says Konnie Huq, university offers exhilaration and self-discovery

6 May