
An African postgraduate’s vision of a ‘Radio 2.0’ that brings communities together reminds Tara Brabazon that overseas students contribute far more to the UK academy than just tuition fees

24 March

The dictates of utilitarian ‘efficiency’ threaten to strangle the life out of the academy, argues Donald Braben

23 March

A report on ‘sexualisation’ is part of the latest moral panic and a prime example of the government’s use of academics to pursue its own agenda while claiming to be objective, writes Clarissa Smith

20 March

The sector must stop its Eton-bashing and its discrimination against independent-school students, argues Geoff Lucas

18 March

'The insecure scholar', one of THE's online columnists, calls for an academy that offers all scholars dignity and security

18 March

In turning away record numbers of applicants, we fail young people. We must provide more places, argues David Green

11 March

The Bologna Process covers 46 countries and 30 million students, but fundamental issues remain, says Anne Corbett

11 March

The CRU stands accused of political manipulation but, says Martin Cohen, this is what scientists have always done

4 March

Cato, the feline friend of Dan Cohn-Sherbok, puts the cat among the pigeons and says don’t be a mutt, keep a moggie

4 March

Poor student attendance and generous exam marking are making a mockery of higher education, reveals a lecturer

25 February

Our literary culture is threatened by the decline of quality criticism. Kevin Sharpe demands that scholars fight back

25 February

Institutions and sector agencies should be more open with data to enable informed choices, says Paul Marshall

18 February

The French have a habit of entrusting translation to anyone with a bilingual dictionary, complains Michael Bulley

18 February

Tom Ford's glossy foray into film has moments to admire, not least its leading man, writes Duncan Wu

18 February

Each week, Dr Margot Feelbetter poses a dilemma and offers advice for readers to respond to online. This week: Inappropriate attention from a supervisor

11 February

Universities have yet to convince us that a higher level of cap would make a difference, argues Charles Clarke

11 February