
backwards on me Hostess trolley, writes Gary Day, who waxes lyrical about Victoria Wood and Botticelli

31 December

Post-Copenhagen, it's clear that logic alone won't save us, writes Kevin Fong

31 December

Scientists offered guidelines to repair the damage caused by the Nutt affair, but the Government’s response threatens to undermine independent advice and must be resisted, writes Evan Harris

18 December

Alan Ryan says Labour would be best off abrogating all responsibility for fees

17 December

What is 'high-quality' feedback? Frank Furedi says it is an ongoing, interactive process where it's always good to talk

17 December

Britons' use of 'sorry' evinces a culture scared of doing the wrong thing. A bit of positivity would help, says Robert Segal

17 December

As the REF consultation winds up, Donald Braben looks back at previous attempts to exploit research. The results were mixed, because future performance in science and technology is virtually impossible to predict

15 December

The main parties' desire for students to be 'better informed' is dangerous, futile and immoral, warns Roger Brown

10 December

Simplify grant applications and release time for teaching, says Tim Birkhead

10 December

Academic evidence to the Iraq Inquiry points to the Government’s terrible planning, but the hearings’ remit is too narrow to tackle the big questions: the war’s legitimacy, the state’s culpability and the public’s responsibility. Tim Dunne writes

6 December

Hefce's impact plans threaten the very basis of innovation in knowledge and must be resisted, argues Sally Hunt

3 December

A latter-day Socrates wouldn't stand a chance, says Felipe Fernández-Armesto

3 December

The feminist struggle in the 1970s against discriminatory dress codes remains relevant today, says Clare Rose

29 November

Impact statements are intended ultimately to benefit society, argues Dave Delpy, not interfere with funding

26 November

In light of the unmasking of Belle de Jour as a scientist, Petra Boynton, who blogs about sex and science, says institutions must balance privacy, scholarship and advocacy

22 November

This is the best way to maintain standards while at the same time serving public benefit, argues Aldwyn Cooper

19 November

While scientists are easily able to demonstrate the impact of their work, the social sciences are often on the back foot when it comes to highlighting the value of research, says Ziyad Marar

14 November

Black holes are a source of mystery for Gary Day, who finds that some TV is far from dumbed down

12 November

The Home Secretary's decision to sack David Nutt for his remarks about cannabis was misjudged, insists Lord Krebs

12 November