What a surprise general election could mean for HE John Morgan looks at how the HE Bill's future, the impact of Brexit and Labour's fee plans are all election issues for universities By John Morgan 18 April
Tory rebels push ministers for better deal on overseas students Government pressured for concessions to avert defeat on amendment to HE Bill By John Morgan 18 April
'Allow no leeway’ on UK staying in EU research University’s head of Brexit strategy urges universities to apply pressure over ‘essential’ priority By John Morgan 18 April
Public ‘wants overseas student numbers to stay same or rise’ UUK poll ahead of key Commons vote finds only 26 per cent see students ‘as immigrants’ By John Morgan 13 April
Central European University: bill shows EU 'weakness' Global academic leaders have found themselves powerless against Hungary’s government By David Matthews 11 April
Brexit and Gibraltar: EU wrong to ‘play the sovereignty card’ University of Gibraltar vice-chancellor Daniella Tilbury reflects on how Brexit negotiations are awakening old insecurities By Daniella Tilbury 11 April
English universities ‘may shun’ subject-level TEF HEA expert says universities may not want to jeopardise good institutional rating By Jack Grove 7 April
UK research loses more ground to Germany on ERC funding British researchers no longer win the most grants for established scientists, having already fallen behind in early career category By Holly Else 7 April
Data bites: South East England dominates Horizon 2020 Figures demonstrate the power of the ‘golden triangle’ in bidding for EU cash By Simon Baker 6 April
Hostility to ECJ imperils UK’s future in EU research V-c warns that European Court of Justice role in grant disputes makes UK association ‘difficult to see’ By John Morgan 6 April
University autonomy in Europe ‘hit by austerity’ Warnings that state involvement in funding decisions is harming institutions’ abilities to compete By Ellie Bothwell 6 April
Derrick Ball, 1930-2017 Academic whose expertise spanned economics and chemistry remembered By Matthew Reisz 6 April