Diversity warning on use of recruitment consultants Report warns of risk of overlooking women, internal candidates and those from ethnic minorities By Matthew Reisz 21 March
To our talented European colleagues: we want you to stay post-Brexit We must make it clearer to UK-based European scholars that the UK higher education sector wishes to remain open, says Sir Keith Burnett By Keith Burnett 20 March
Overseas students: government to ‘turn the thumbscrews’ on MPs Sector expert predicts dissent will be crushed when Lords amendment reaches Commons By Jack Grove 20 March
Lectures: as archaic as bloodletting in an era of modern medicine If the outcomes of ‘active learning’ are so much better than those for traditional lectures, why stick with the old format? asks Simone Buitendijk By Simone Buitendijk 19 March
Universities urged to confront religion 'blind spot' Call to consider faith diversity alongside issues of gender and ethnicity By Matthew Reisz 18 March
We are in danger of losing an entire generation of Syrian students Nele Feldmann and Katherine Miller on the importance of helping displaced Syrians on to higher education courses By Nele Feldmann 17 March
German 'should remain language of academia' Alternative for Germany also wants to end funding for gender studies, saying discipline is not a serious subject By David Matthews 17 March
Denmark doubles PhDs 'without lowering quality' Government analysis finds most academics think postgraduate research standards have held steady or improved By Holly Else 17 March
Digifest 2017: call to ban reading lists to drive teaching innovation Conference hears educators are neglecting technology because of ‘obsession’ with dated approaches By Jack Grove 17 March
Asia Universities Summit: Canada reaps Brexit benefits University of Waterloo recruits British academics ‘worried about future’ after referendum By John Morgan 16 March
‘Elite’ status all risk, no benefit, for universities Findings from the German Excellence Initiative raise questions over impact of TEF By David Matthews 16 March
Research income figures highlight Brexit vulnerability Latest data on research grants show just how much UK institutions get from the EU By Simon Baker 16 March