Stem populism by embracing dissent, universities told Expert on EU warns academics against a ‘Brussels monopoly’ over how they research the union By David Matthews 13 March
Shoes off: the art of using drama to teach business Warwick Business School’s purpose-built studio aims to boost students’ creativity By John Elmes 12 March
Game-playing to continue in REF 2021, conference told Economist says universities will simply ‘play different types of games’ after Stern review By John Elmes 10 March
U15 head predicts post-Brexit 'gold rush' for EU universities Comments are a further sign that European institutions are gearing up to poach UK-based researchers By David Matthews 10 March
‘Eternal student’ numbers double in Greece Economic crisis drives increase in students lingering in higher education By Holly Else 9 March
Dropout rate for young UK students rises again Hesa data show non-continuation rate for disadvantaged students is rising faster By Simon Baker 9 March
Report predicts significant growth in degree apprenticeships But UUK calls for universities to be given more support over working courses By John Morgan 9 March
Fast-track degrees ‘would create two-tier academy’ Students and staff raise concerns about impact of more two-year degrees By Jack Grove 9 March
Will Europe scoff at England’s two-year degrees? Increasing the number of fast-track degrees may devalue the currency of UK undergraduate courses in Europe, warns Jack Grove By Jack Grove 9 March
The week in higher education – 9 March 2017 The good, the bad and the offbeat: the academy through the lens of the world’s media By THE reporters 9 March
McDonnell: scrapping fees ‘will become Labour policy’ ‘It's a clear commitment and we want to deliver,’ says shadow chancellor By John Morgan 9 March
Lords defeat government again on TEF and private providers Peers back further amendments to Higher Education and Research Bill By John Morgan 8 March