Universities’ expert input is needed far beyond government departments Policy institutes’ lack of strategic variation risks overheating the competition for airtime with national policymakers, says Diana Beech Diana Beech 1月 16日
English regional devolution could enhance opportunities for HE Labour’s planned decentralisation of power will strengthen universities’ standing and ability to contribute to local prosperity, says Diana Beech Diana Beech 8月 12日
The Irish political earthquake could have aftershocks in the north Sinn Féin’s desire for an all-Ireland education system could see it reject fee rises north of the border, says Diana Beech Diana Beech 2月 18日
Ten commandments for influencing policymakers in turbulent times In a fraught political climate, it is even more difficult than usual for researchers to grab the attention of ministers. Diana Beech imparts her insider’s tips Diana Beech 11月 28日
Budget 2017 debrief: what Philip Hammond’s speech means for higher education Diana Beech on an HE-light Budget that nonetheless has some implications for university staff and students Diana Beech 11月 23日
Conservatives 2017: reflections from a conference fresher Universities were never far from the top of the agenda at this year’s Conservative Party conference, writes Diana Beech Diana Beech 10月 5日
What’s in a name? Quite a lot, when it comes to higher education reform Should we be talking about Ofcoll and the ‘degree experience framework’? Diana Beech thinks so Diana Beech 7月 7日