Double your money

四月 9, 2004

"Vice-chancellors concerned about cuts to budget" (April 2) could be forgiven for not recognising that the recent Welsh grants settlement: (a) provides growth of 1.7 per cent in funded full-time undergraduate numbers; (b) restores the research-teaching balance a little towards teaching, having shifted the other way after the 2001 research assessment exercise; (c) nevertheless, increases by growth domestic product the funds per unit volume for 5*, 5 and 4, so that these remain, for all units of assessment higher than in England. In the case of 4s, they are typically funded at about twice the level of England; and (d) the settlement provides, in the research investment fund, a source that can be used flexibly to support research strategies, and does not involve competitive bidding.

Philip Gummett
Interim chief executive
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales



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